Need a simple interface to assist in management of the ISC DHCPD service? The phpDHCPAdmin application is designed with security, flexibility and ease of use in mind. Some features include support for tiered access levels, multiple group and user support.
It also offers support for just about every configurable option the latest ISC DHCPD release offers, including global options, failover configurations, dns zone support, dnssec key support, multiple subnets, custom classes, multiple pools, pxe/bootp groups and much much more...

Since there are so many applications here on sourceforge.netÇ currently developed with similar functionality, I have put a demo up so you can see if the features will work for your current ISC DHCP installation.

This project now has some documentation you can refer to besides the help file that is embedded within' the application.

The latest versions, including a beta version are available for download. I recomend you test drive the demo application to ensure this application is what you are looking for.
phpDHCPAdmin © 2009 - Jason Gerfen ®